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Semperit - Your Partner for Hydrualic and Industrial Hoses

Semperit has been a leading light in the polymer industry for over 200 years and has become one of the world’s largest manufacturers of hydraulic and industrial hoses.

Semperit offers a complete range of application-oriented and high quality hydraulic hoses. These are used for power transmission in hydraulic systems, mainly in the construction, agricultural and mining industries, as well as for high-pressure cleaning.

Semperit offers the right industrial hose for your individual solution. Industrial hoses are used to transport a wide variety of media and are primarily used in the construction and transport industries as well as in industrial and agricultural engineering.

Hydrualic Hose and Assemblies

Hydraulic Power Solutions deals in all major brands of hydraulic and industrial hoses and is one of the largest suppliers in the country

With its OEM focused production crimping facility, HPSPL can supply all your OEM hose assembly needs in large volumes and a short turnaround period

Whatever your hose or assembly need be, hydraulic power solutions is best suited to fulfil it